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When is a Border Collie Considered Fully Grown?

When is a Border Collie Considered Fully Grown?

When is a Border Collie Considered Fully Grown?

If you’ve ever owned a Border Collie puppy, you likely know how fast they grow up. However, while growing up, its not immediately clear when your puppy becomes fully grown and is considered an adult. In this post, we will take a closer look when a Border Collie is officially considered fully grown.



When Is a Border Collie Considered Fully Grown?

While individual dogs may vary, most Border Collies reach their full height between 12 to 15 months of age. However, they may continue to fill out and gain muscle mass until they are around 18 months to 2 years old. Mental maturity often trails physical development, with some Border Collies not fully settling into their adult temperament until they are about 3 years old.

Factors Influencing Growth:

  • Genetics: Lineage can play a significant role in determining the size and growth rate.
  • Nutrition: A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients supports healthy development.
  • Health: Parasites or illnesses can impede growth, making regular vet visits important.
  • Exercise: Proper physical activity promotes muscle development and overall well-being.



Typical Border Collie Stages

Your Border Collie will go through a number of stages throughout their life. Here is a quick breakdown:

Growth Stage Age Range Physical Development Behavioral Traits
Neonatal Stage Birth to 2 Weeks
  • Puppies are born blind and deaf.
  • Rely entirely on their mother for warmth and nutrition.
  • Senses begin to develop gradually.
  • Limited to basic reflexes like rooting and suckling.
  • Sleep almost 90% of the time.
Transitional Stage 2 to 4 Weeks
  • Eyes and ears open.
  • Teeth start to emerge.
  • Respond to light and sound.
  • Start crawling, standing, and attempting to walk.
  • Exhibit first signs of wagging tails and barking.
Socialization Stage 4 to 12 Weeks
  • Rapid growth with improved motor skills.
  • Coordination improves significantly.
  • Increased curiosity and playfulness.
  • Learn social cues from littermates and humans.
Juvenile Stage 3 to 6 Months
  • Continued growth in height and length.
  • Baby teeth are replaced by adult teeth.
  • More independent behavior emerges.
  • Might test boundaries and show stubbornness.
Adolescence Stage 6 to 18 Months
  • Nearing full physical size.
  • Muscle development continues.
  • Coat becomes fuller.
  • Can exhibit adolescent rebellion.
  • Sexual maturity is reached.
  • Females may experience their first heat cycle.
Adult Stage 18 Months to 7 Years
  • Fully grown physically.
  • May continue to fill out until 2 years old.
  • Full height and weight reached.
  • Behavior stabilizes.
  • Energetic but more focused and responsive to training.
Senior Stage 7 Years and Older
  • Signs of aging like graying fur.
  • Reduced mobility.
  • Weight changes may appear.
  • May become less active.
  • Prefer relaxed environments.
  • Could show signs of cognitive decline.


Frequently Asked Questions

What Factors Contribute to A Border Collie’s Growth Rate?

A Border Collie’s growth rate is influenced by genetics, diet, exercise, and overall health. Puppies from larger parents may grow faster, while proper nutrition ensures steady development. Health issues or lack of physical activity can slow down growth.

Do Male Border Collies Grow Faster Than Female Border Collies?

Male and female Border Collies grow at similar rates during their early months. However, males tend to grow larger overall and may take slightly longer to reach their full size compared to females. Females often mature both physically and mentally a bit earlier than males.

Posted in Breed Info
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